Good Tidings: The History and Ecology of Shellfish Farming in the Northeast
For a food-obsessed culture it is surprising how little we actually know about many of the creatures we consume. Take the iconic New England shellfish. While we blithely slurp down oysters and prong another mussel out of its shell, how much do we actually know about the science and industry that brought it to our plate? Inspired by her summers spent raking clams in Wellfleet, Barbara Brennessel has written an overview of the regional shellfish industry. Part industry guide, part biology lesson, part cultural history, Good Tidings is a wide-ranging study of the shellfish of the Northeast―including clams, oysters, mussels, and scallops―from seabed to plate. The book offers an accessible introduction to the science and ecology of the shellfish aquaculture industry, including a brief history of the industry in the northeast and a look at the current technologies utilized by shellfish growers. The author looks at issues as diverse as the history of wampum, land use debates, the impact of the industry on the surrounding environment, and even offers the reader a selection of her favorite recipes.
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Illustrations for this book were done with pen and ink on Bristol board.